Violent T.V. Content Analysis

 My violence in the media content analysis first off begins with watching a half hour of "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle". I found a bit of violence in this half hour of Ninja Turtles, which is expected from four turtles that fight off crime. As a young child you never really think of how violence in the media can effect you reactions and thoughts. When I sat down to watch this t.v. show I realized how much fighting their really is within the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles show.

We see that even though the turtles are fighting crime their is still violence being shown. This research shows us that this could be a potential danger to kids watching these types of shows because this is were the modeling theory comes in. Modeling Theory: states that an individual perceives a form of behavior described or portrayed by a character in media content.  The individual judges the behavior to be attractive and possibly useful.   The individual then reproduces the behavior in a personally relevant way.  The behavior proves useful or effective, thus rewarding the individual.   The behavior becomes a habit with more use unless it one day proves no longer effective or rewarding.

Remember when you were a child and repeated everything you saw on t.v. such as: pretend your a ninja and are amazing at karate even though you have never taken it in your life, Acted like you were a King or Queen because you have always wanted power like you see portrayed. That is what the modeling theory pertains too.
For my second content analysis I watched a half hour of "Family Guy". You rarely see violence in this t.v. show such as physical contact or intimidation. In the half hour of  the Family Guy episode I watched, there was no violence except for verbal violence because the characters are bashing each other, shouting, screaming and last but not least using profanity.

Though their was hardly any physical violence, verbal violence made up for it. This show has opened eyes to the Desensitization Theory: states that over time, heavy media use can cause people to become less sensitive to certain topics and issues.  These are often topics or issues to which they formerly had considerable sensitivity. We then become desensitized to verbal abuse and profanity.